HomeApostle John EckhardtPrayers for Deliverance and Renunciation of Sexual Sin


Prayers for Deliverance and Renunciation of Sexual Sin — 10 Comments

  1. I highly recommend attending Elijah House and going through their counselling & prayer ministry seminars and classes. It helps when we come together in prayer for a brother and a sister to have any bitter roots exposed and revealed, judgments made against our parents (whether they hurt us intentionally or not) and all those that contribute to our sin patterns as bad fruit of the bitter root, so we can expose these to the light (the devil wants it hiddwn), confess (no more condemnation; confess your sins to one another & be healed!) and repent and receive healing & restoration, not just deliverance. Prayers up for you my brother and sister. God is our Healer.

  2. I have been dealing for these sex spirits for about 20+ years. I have been through many deliverance and i remember i was free only for about 8 months and the spirits appeared again. I am a True Happy Christian for the past 16 years. I saw my dad naked at the age of i think 6 or 12 and have had problems every since. I have been married twice and have been hard to have a relationship with both of my spouses. i want to be FREE–please i want to be FREE—i have said all of these prayers many time, and i still remain unfree–i could see this have came from my mother side of generational curses

  3. Thank you!
    Have been fighting this habit since I was 15 years old and now I’m 64. Help me pray for total and complete deliverance and healing.
    Thank you!!!

  4. Why did I have to turn 40 before God helped me? I have been saved all my life and have struggled in the area. I have always been told when I went for deliverance that a Christian can be filled with a Spirit of lust. These past days I have not only learned it is a lie but it lived in me for years.
    How can I prevent it from returning and how can I make sure I stay free from it?

    • First, being saved and being free of demonic strongholds, unforgiveness, curses and ungodly soul ties are all different things.  And second, born-again Christians can be demonised (Galatians 3:1).

      In Acts 2:38 we are told to “Repent and be baptized.” This required us to repent of all our known and unknown sin.  The problem is, some sin and some transgressions we have made, are totally unknown to us.  Therefore in the natural, we cannot name them, to repent of them.  We need God’s help.

      We may also be subject to the sin and transgression of our parents and forefathers which we inherit, for as Exodus 20:5 tells us, God may visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generations.  When we live in iniquity, Satan will take full advantage of it, for sin and iniquity gives him a legal right to pursue us; he has a claim against us.  We need to confess the sin, repent of the sin, seek forgiveness and give forgiveness and break the ungodly soul ties.  This takes time and is like peeling an onion – layer by layer till all is cleaned away.  However, deliverance can only be done on a baptized Christian, or else their condition will end up worse than at the start (Matthew 12:45)

      It is quite possible for a born-again Christian still to be suffering from the spirit of lust.  Mankind is made and seemingly ‘hard-wired’ for pleasure and reproduction and thus lust, which stimulates these senses, appears to be particularly hard to break.  However, once a spirit is gone, other similar spirits will try to win us back and tempt us to sin again.  If we fall to temptation, we again give them a legal stronghold within us.

      To prevent being reinfected, we need to be strong and resolute enough to always resist temptation, such that the enemy knows not to waste his time on us.  To resist temptation we need positive reinforcement, not negative reinforcement.  Thus, when the tempting feeling comes upon us, we need to positively do something, rather than ‘not’ do something.  For example, reading the Bible or calling a prayer buddy at the time of temptation, is positive reinforcements.  Trying not to stare, is negative.  Each time we fail and fall to the temptation, we need to start the process of confession, repenting, seeking forgiveness and breaking the soul ties over again.  If even 1% of our flesh remains unrepentant, the enemy will still have a legal right.  It can be a long job and a prayer buddy is certainly to be recommended. 

      However, remember that you may be just trying to cure the symptom and not the root cause of the spirit of lust.  The root cause of lust tends to be unresolved, unforgiven REJECTION.  If you do not deal with the root cause, the symptom will continue to recur.  If you do not remove the root cause, you have no removed the symptom – it will come back.  For a lust of the Flesh, the Root Cause may be Self Pity, which means not taking personal responsibility for our lives (Always blaming others for our problems) and for lust of the Eyes (covetousness and idolatry) the Root Cause tends to be believing things will satisfy the spiritual need inside.  Thankfulness and contentment defeat the lusts of the flesh.

      Scriptures to look at are:
      James 4:1-4 — The origins of lust
      Romans 7:14-25 — Our struggle with lust
      1 Corinthians 6::9-10 — Consequences of lust
      Romans 6:12-23; James 4:5-8 — Freedom in Christ

      We hope this is of help to you.  We pray that the Lord will now deliver you from all root causes of lust and open your eyes and heart to all and any unrepentant sin and iniquity in your life and the lives of your ancestors which enables the enemy to claim you.  We pray that the Lord will set you free and provide saints around you, such that you may remain free.

      In Jesus name we pray.  Amen and Amen and Amen.

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