HomeProphecyThe Domino Effect of Promise and Prosperity


The Domino Effect of Promise and Prosperity — 3 Comments

  1. Don ‘t normally post a response but you have to read Lana Vawsers post from today, 30th August titled “Double effect domino effect”. Been through seven years of extreme trials and tribulations. Had a dream in advanse of this season where the enemy was standing at my right hand side and he was gloating because of all he had done to me. In the dream the Spirit rose up within me and I declared “you think you have won the battle but you have lost the war”. The battle has been more intense than I thought possible. Lana’s word tells of the enemy and his dominoes being so small that they could hardly be seen. God’s dominoes are mighty and highly visible and his dominoes are are moving in such a way that we will receive “double for our trouble’. We are going to experience marvellous breakthroughs and answers to prayer. Thanks for your prayers. Bless you.  Christine from Belfast

  2. Glory, to God on High, Indeed a Cofirmation unto me spoken this day, Thank you Jesus for the Domino Effect and Promise releasing this day in my life. A sure word taken to heart. Now is the Time !!! Glory to God !! It is happening NOW!
    Shouts of Victory coming forth out of me, this day. Thank you Awsome Abba, I receive it, for it is my time of rejoicing in my Jubliee year of manifestations.

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