HomeProphecyFear Is an Evil Spirit!


Fear Is an Evil Spirit! — 4 Comments

  1. Yes! Amen and amen! This is the absolute truth, calling, believing, trusting in and on Jesus Christ is the only way, applying the Word God to the satanic arrows and fiery darts of the enemy, in faith. I receive this Word of God and message. I thank God for allowing you to share this beautiful message of truth, for everything being spoken in the earth right now, have to fully examined by the Holy Spirit, having to test every spirit by the Spirit.

    God bless you, Sister Kim Fuller, extending love, peace and blessings to you and all of my beloved brothers/sisters in Jesus Christ our Lord! I will be praying for all souls, for we are definitely in a war and battle for our soul, some see it, but many do not, hearts and spiritual eyes are blinded.

  2. THank you for this wonderful reminder – so true and yet I forget how necessary it is to be vigilant with fighting over His words….

  3. All evil spirits are liers, so the spirit of fear plants lies to our mind to get us to fall into their trap of fear.  When fear comes, rebuke the spirit, call it out for he lier that it is and break any agreement you have made with that spirit.  Agree with the peace that surpasses understanding that comes from our Lord the Prince of Peace.

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