HomeProphecyHoly Golden Oil on an Ancient Door


Holy Golden Oil on an Ancient Door — 5 Comments

  1. Thank you Lord Jesus for being warmhearted
    :-) I am witnessing to prisoners dear beloved.
    Sea-cable of our internet were cut by accident, and repairing will take some time. Some days after we came home, I could open the homepage but struggled to send my comment, then another hour at the library. I had to go to an official office to send it and succeeded. So, I asked the Lord to give me an urgency next time He wanted me join you. This urgency I got yesterday, but I thought it was just because I missed joining you.
    Bear with and love each other dearly in the Kingdom, we are only human beings on earth. I heard an earthly leader saying to the nation, something like, “What you do to each other affect the whole family”, very wise teaching. In January, I saw a hand reaching out from above and it took my heart and warmed it. After some time, suddenly, He moved His arm and my whole being followed because my heart was in the hand :-) I will never forget this awesome move. The people of God is being persecuted intensely of some because we are in the world, but we must fight the evil the whole time because we were sent here to do just that. We get cold and tired, we look up, He might just reach out for our hearts to warm it, and He might make this awesome move. God bless you all. Lucia Ludvigsen

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