HomeProphecyI AM Breaking Open the Fountains!


I AM Breaking Open the Fountains! — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you Lord Jesus for living waters
    Some days ago, I met someone I have not seen for a long time, being clumsy, I accidently pushed her glass of water and as we were drying up the water, I gave her Isaiah 12:3 :-) The Lord making things happen to tell us He is with us, obviously planning to break open the fountains. We are one in Christ, and sometimes He reminds us of that.
    There are those who pray for the young, children, small children, babies and those about to be birthed. Then there are those obviously not doing so. There are those who believe in good reports (gospel). Then there are those who will question your good testimony every step of the way. It is very simple there are those who believe in Christ. Then there are those who do not. There is One Lord God Almighty, Who love us every step of the way. Then there is one questioning grace every step of the way. There are situations where I can only stand on one thing that is my decision to follow Jesus every step of the way and the whole way. How can I do that? The Lord Jesus made it very clear and simple, He made a promise we should never forget: He will be with us always, to the end of the age. God bless you and thank you for prayers. Lucia Ludvigsen

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