HomeProphecyI AM your Warrior King!


I AM your Warrior King! — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you Abba, for fighting for me, my enemies. It is indeed finished. Thank you for making my feet like hinds feet. I thank you for the finished work, and I rest in you, my Mighty Warrior King !  I fear Not, knowing all is well, for you are in me, me in you, and I have total and complete Victory always, for I can not be defeated. I Rejoice always in you. I love you Greatly evermore. Amen !

  2. Awesome Words, to me, Abba, every time I read your post Deborah Waldron Fry, it brings me comfort, joy, excitement, for it is my Father’s words, spoken, he has given to you to speak it forth. I love you anointed precious heart, as I’m always so happy inside, it just grabs my attentions, and inside I say Yes, Yes, this is Deborah, coming forth with the anointings words, it’s a jubilee word.
    Yeah, thank you my Father, for using her, to speak into my heart, this day.
    I love you my King. I honor you. I worship you. I exalt you. I praise your name.

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