HomeProphecyIt’s Time to Exhale — The Harvest Is Here!


It’s Time to Exhale — The Harvest Is Here! — 4 Comments

  1. Well, Rosh Hashanah the Great Feast has came and gone. No pouring out of the spirit, no harvest began. No Miracles sign and wonders. Only great tribulation for the saints. tyranny goes on and gets worth. Did I miss something. I’m losing faith. I can’t stand the myserey of heavy persecution and the consequences any more. It feels like God has left me. The pain of my body is unbearable. I understand nothing any more.

  2. Dear Jo, I am Italian and I listen and follow the words that the Lord gives you, they are of encouragement for me, and also serve for my growth towards the heart of the Father. I embrace you with affection and bless you. Thank you from the heart, Sister

  3. God richly bless you and all who contributed to this prophetic word. I thank God for His ministry though you to us today.  I receive it as a definite word to me today.  My eyes welled up as I read.  God speaks, He is faithful, true and very intentional.  An on time God.  Sister Joe Allen, I pray for the manifestation of these words in your life, and in the lives of all those who receives it, all those to who God is speaking these words.  I feel it in my spirit and my whole being.  On Sunday we had an open air service in our neighbourhood, just outside our back gates.  I asked can we shout a hallelujah to God.  We did, then one neighbour said, can I do it the way I like to do it and he made a blast of a hal-le-looo-yah, it felt as if it pierced through everything, gone through the curtains and touching the throne, that I said that sounded like trumpet blast, a warning, a sounding and so the sounding of the Shofar resonated with me also. Every blessing in Jesus name. Karlene

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