HomeChristian LivingPraying in Your Promises


Praying in Your Promises — 6 Comments

  1. I pray this is true but it would help us all if you can provide solid/detailed biblical evidence for what you are saying. In the old testament, when God said something, it happened then or much later on. I recall no OT prophet praying in God’s promises to come to pass. Yes, they defended their prophecies, some at great cost, and yet they eventually came to pass (such as exile of the Israelites to Babylon). But none prayed them in to come to pass. In the NT, I do not recall Jesus or any apostle praying in God’s promises to come to pass. Jesus prayed to the Father in the garden of Gethsemane about his disciples and future church/converts/world. But that’s not the case we are dealing with here. Paul admonished Timothy to ‘fan into flames’ the gift that was imparted to him by the laying on hands. That, maybe, is the only case where promises were prayed into come to pass, but no other place.

    If I’m wrong in my reasoning, enlighten me. Hope to hear form you soon.

    • Even when Isaac knew of the promises God gave Abraham, that his descendants will be like the stars of heaven and sand on the seashore, he just did not rest on those promises. He had to intreat the Lord for his wife Rebekah, as she was barren, and God answered him.

      Daniel had to pray for the deliverance of the Jewish people based on Jeremiah’s prophesy of 70 years captivity.

  2. You know I’m 62 years old and I first heard a prophet about 4 yrs ago. I’ve been to Bible school as a child, seen Rev billy Graham numerous times with my parents and no one ever mentioned them. I am a firm believer in the 5 fold ministry with the prophetic being heavily involved. I receive and pray for the prophecy. I use my authority that Christ gave me to decree the outcome of the prophesy. I’ve noticed a lot since I’ve returned back as a prodigal. That there are more prophetic voices now then I’ve ever seen. Thank you God for sending your mouthpiece out into the world.

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