HomeProphecy2018Prophetic Warning for 2018 & 5778


Prophetic Warning for 2018 & 5778 — 3 Comments

  1. WICKED is the name of a musical, starting today in New York. It also made its way over to Switzerland. Big posters everywhere point to this show. People are being manipulated to find interest in witchcraft and to have fun with evil. GOD cannot like this. His program ist the opposite of wicked. Judgment will come. This is not His wickedness, but His RIGHTEOUSNESS.

  2. Since weeks everywhere in the city and on train stations can be seen advertising posters for a movie or theater named “Wicked”. On these huge posters is a witch with typical witch hat, a dark black-green picture. They feed all people with any kind of criminal tv shows, and the youth with bloody sacrifice videos. Video games are mostly killer games. Then they wonder what comes out of it. It is very obvious that CHAOS is planned and wanted. I didn’t want to give to this any attention, but now it confirms your article.

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