HomeProphecyProphetic Warning Sign: Surveillance and the Mark


Prophetic Warning Sign: Surveillance and the Mark — 7 Comments

  1. I believe the above is true. But I also see that the Lord has given us the next 11 years before that will be mandatory. I am believing that God will Save America and unite the Church in the Faith.  I see a great awakening already starting to happen and these things of the end times are being pushed out, for the church in America is arising.  If God would have saved Israel from destruction if He could find one intercessor who would stand in the gap,Ezk,22:30. Since God is no respecter of persons, and there is a rather large remnant of believers uniting in intercession and standing in the gap for this nation, then God will save us.  The keys I see in this group of intercessors is that first they are repentant, they are turning from sin and second they are pleading for mercy and declaring the Word of the Lord over our nation and its leaders.  They are asking for justice againt the evil and corruption and declaring a return of righteousness to our government and society. I have great hope for us in our Lord Jesus Christ!  The devil would love nothing more than to move up the end times so that many will not receive Christ.  But the Church under the power of the Holy Spirit will push that out as the Holy Spirit brings the largest wave of revival, and renewing the the world has ever seen. We are entering the time of the great end time Harvest!  We as a the Church of Jesus, must repent, turn from our wicked ways, pray and see the face of the Lord, and the Lord will heal our land!  By the way this is not just happening in the Church in America. It is happening in the Body of Christ all over the world.  The whole world is about to be shaken as God brings the Manifestation of the Sons of God!

  2. I believe the vaccine is a step towards the mark of the beast. Or possibly the mark. What there plan is, is to roll out this vaccine, first it wont be mandatory, then it will be. Those who know the truth and dont take it, will slowly be cut off from any participation in society. Buying and selling? We will be the selfish ones who dont care about others? We dont wear masks.we wont get the vaccine. It’s all part of the end days deception. The virus is real, but also the narrative they are using. When in reality this virus is no different then the flu?

    • So you believe God would send those to hell that are only trying to protect themselves from a virus? Never would he do such a thing.

      • It’s very deceptive. This is the narrative they are using! Have we forgotten what we did before march 2020? I pray that you wake up to what’s really happening here! The plan will be anyone who doesn’t get the vaccine, will not be able to be part of society! To buy or sell, you will have to have been vaccinated! Not that way yet, but it will be! This is the beast system arising! It’s the great deception, and many are falling for it.

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