HomeProphecyThe Enemy is Terrified


The Enemy is Terrified — 8 Comments

  1. I have need of you. I will avenge you of your adversaries, restore you, heal your wounds and promote you.

    “I will pour out My Holy SPIRIT and FIRE, and rain down miracles, signs and wonders that you will witness. Pr June

    AMEN…thank YOU Pr June

  2. GLORY HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB OF GOD! Thank You Lord and My Sister for such a POWERFUL Word! This is SO GOD & everything is NOW Falling in pleasant PlacesLike Never Before, and NOW! IT is MY HARVEST TIME!  I Rejoice in The Father’sLove for us!❣️

  3. Thank you our God who fights & avenges us of our enemies. HE is our Battle Axe, our God is the righteous judge. Father, please step in & destroy all demonic & evil strongholds tormenting your children here on earth.

  4. Praise God! God bless you, blessed and beloved woman of God! The Lord is so amazing of how his word falls in sync with every situation or present issues in which we may be experiencing at that current time. Satan has been on my heels since birth, even more so now, that I have been shown the Truth of God, his Word, his Divine Grace, Mercy, relentlessly attacking with fury.
    I know it was and yet still, God’s Grace and Mercy on, over my life, which keeps me from day to day.

    Because the Return of Jesus is at Hand, time being so short, each day passing us by faster than we realize, it is important to occupy, to comply in full obedience to the Will of the Lord concerning the destiny, for us to be used to reach his souls, his precious jewels before he Comes for his True Church and Bride, which will be Spotless, without Blemish or Wrinkle, Pure in True Holiness, having our lamps full and filled with oil, the Anointed Power, holy Fire of the Holy Ghost.

    God bless you, Sister Reinke, as the Lord continues to use you for his present Glory, opening up doors for you to reach the multitudes in such a divine and special way, that souls will flood to the presence of Jesus Christ, just by the Anointing in and on your life, as Elijah, even when he was caught up by the holy fire and chariot, God’s Anointing of Power was yet flowing in the mantle that was caught by Elias. Much love and respect, have an amazing and prosperous day in the Lord Jesus!️

    • Hallo Gerhard! Der Herr “sang” mir letzten Sommer: “Erst nehmen wir Manhattan, dann Berlin” (Leonard Cohen’s Lied). Es war eine Bestätigung für mich, dass die bösen Mächte, die jetzt versuchen, die Welt zu überholen, bald ein Ende haben werden. Wie Sie sehen, ist Deutschland an dieser Vision beteiligt. Grüße aus Schweden.

      [ HKP Admin : Google Translate : “Hello Gerhard! The gentleman “sang” to me last summer: “First we’ll take Manhattan, then Berlin” (Leonard Cohen’s song). It was a confirmation to me that the evil forces that are now trying to overtake the world will soon come to an end. As you can see, Germany is part of this vision. Greetings from Sweden.” ]


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