HomeProphecyWarning America: Kanye West and ‘The Pied Piper Anointing’


Warning America: Kanye West and ‘The Pied Piper Anointing’ — 9 Comments

  1. Really interesting that you mention ‘The Pied Piper’ – as I was given a ‘revelation’ of Elon Musk also in that role. Many are following his merry dance & tune over on Twitter in exposing the corruption, but is the ‘Piper’ leading them astray?


  2. I consider this dream to be a warning dream, meaning that the things that have been show could happen if the church and others would be the ones that would speak and act like he had not had an encounter with God. Even using the word of God to enforce the position. I have just recently seen that a person used scripture about his authority but it was used out of context. Yet I had not see anything done to correct that and this person had a following of 5,000 people and who knows how many that they passed that word onto.

  3. I know that uou are speaking the truth from. Because you have confirmed the very scripture that the Lord spoke to me right before he put Donald Trump in Office as Pre

  4. God gave me a word a awhile back. 1 Corinthians 1 :27. that the old church we have knowen since the 80. would be using people to change the face of the church.. who say to us 4 n no more.. if u dont look like us.. get out..It would be a new church with out walls.. That the men of the church in Jesus time .. who were always challege Jesus.. r death..So the next move where going to be threw the ones who nobody thought was saved. who they ran out of every church.. because they were differant.. I Gaven this word to many the church condems..because how they look. or what color of hair they have this month.. God looks at the heart.. there have been thousand go to hell because the church judges. them.. wont accept nor give them a chance… when u need Jesus to save n redeem u… u cant go to church because they kill u…we r goin to see all kinds come.. Go to the hi ways n byway, compel them to come in…. Do u rember the wedding feast when the friends were invited.  They were to busy to come in…  Or its harder for a rich man to go threw the eye of a needle.. compel them to come in.. The new move is not going to look the same nor act.. their heart for Jesus.. the loss…  correct teaching by elevation, fresh manna…

  5. Sister, I can’t be sure about this but that dream sounded a lot like Kanye’s past career. He started out talking about Jesus and after his grandmother died he went a different direction. Today he seems very new age. Now, this process may be about to repeat in his life, but as I listened to your dream it all seemed to line up with his past. God bless you and thank you for all that you post!

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