HomeProphecyWhat Has God Separated You Out to Do?


What Has God Separated You Out to Do? — 7 Comments

  1. We have been through a season of separation that has been intertwined with many blessings that can truly only be a testimony to God and not our own doing. In praying about our separation from friends and family very dear to our hearts I have struggled to find what God’s purpose in this journey and season of life could be. I do believe your words confirm this season has a purpose and the separation we have struggled with has been necessary for God’s plan going forward. Thank you for sharing, nearly every single word confirms prayerful tears and pleas to know God is with us and having that confirmation will deliver us from the spirit of confusion, doubt and fear we have been battling.

    • Dear Rorok, thanks so much for the confirmation. He is an ON TIME GOD. Many blessings to you, Sandi

  2. Incredible Sandy. thanks Lord Jesus. “And as we shared about these things in the car yesterday I sensed strongly that many DOORS ARE SHUT in the people of God. But God has these one’s who are DOOR OPENERS…hidden away about to be released. They shall ACTIVATE and UNLOCK and OPEN the shut doors within the souls of the people of God..  These doors are within the soul where hurts and discouragement have robbed the body of Christ of that PARTICULAR FLOW OF LIFE GIVING WORDS which ONLY YOU can bring forth.”

    • Thanks so much, Dennis for your valuable input. So encouraging when someone witnesses in the spirit and adds more revelation as well. I am forever grateful for your confirmation. Blessings, Sandi

    • Indeed, C C, He is allowing Patience to have its perfect work in us that we may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Hold tight to the hope that is in you…for HE IS OUR HOPE and OUR PROVIDER! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Many blessings, Sandi

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