Prosper and Be as Your Soul Prospers
The apostle John writes to Gaius as a father to his son, praying that he may prosper.
Continue reading →The apostle John writes to Gaius as a father to his son, praying that he may prosper.
Continue reading →I heard The Spirit of The LORD speak, “You want another Word, you shall have one.”
Continue reading →Right now, every fiber of my being is shouting, “People get ready, I can hear the rhythm of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!”
Continue reading →I hear The LORD say, “I AM moving swiftly on your behalf. You will no longer walk in darkness, but you will step into my marvelous light.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM wants His Children to know that soon all changes. Be ready for the changes that will happen quickly.”
Continue reading →“I AM El Shaddai, and I will give you in excess of your need, so be glad and rejoice in your heart, for I A M your source at all times,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved. Do not be afraid, My Child, rejoice and be glad, for The LORD has done great things.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Your King Yeshua wants His Children to know that time continues to move closer to the judgments.”
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