HomeChristian LivingJOY! Just Offer Yourself!


JOY! Just Offer Yourself! — 5 Comments

  1. WOW!!! This is a Rhema Word just for me and I have received this in the Name of My Jesus. I’d like to ask a few questions that will help me to know that I am clearly hearing from My best friend, My Holy Spirit.  Thank you kindly, Joy

  2. I am so appreciative of your sincere words to me, dear Marc. I am actually enjoying some of my older journals as I am gathering info for the book. I have changed my direction with the book so many times. I never dreamed that I would be sharing some of the things I have decided to put in the book. I love your declaration of a ‘beautiful garden full of vibrant colors and fragrance’ because that so well describes His wonderful presence. I will never forget the first time I heard footsteps come into my bedroom where I was praying (my first real experience with a tangible ‘fear of the Lord’)..I wanted to run and hide under the bed. It is still real as I describe it to you. I look forward to visiting with you and Tami again soon. God Bless and keep you in all your ways, Sandi

  3. I so appreciate you Sandi. This word made me go back in time to 1995. It was the first time I’d ever fully surrendered…..almost. I gave “almost” everything He was asking me to give, but the toenail I allowed to remain in the door took me to the deepest darkness there is. But, going on 10 years ago now, He called me a second time to surrender all, this time I gave everything He asked of me…..and even some He didn’t. I wasn’t about to go through that darkness again, nor allow my children and family to suffer the loss.
    Discipline is exactly what my loving Father provided, and obedience is an absolute requirement. When I cried out, “I choose Jesus Christ,” the Lord allowed me to hear the enemy demand my second born, he’d already taken my first. The Lord is so gracious He allowed me to see my daughter in His care, the enemy may have taken her physically, but she’s now in a much better place, he couldn’t take that. I don’t want to be a bummer here, but I believe people aren’t fully aware of the cost of just a toenail.
    In 1995 the daughter I lost was in the process of giving her life to Him….He knew!
    God bless you dear beautiful woman of God.
    I so appreciate you!!

    • Good afternoon dear Cherish, What an amazing story..I hope you are keeping a book of all your stories and passing on all HE has taught you. Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate hearing about ‘the processes’ we all have as we are being conformed to His image. Lone and blessings, beautiful one! Sandi

  4. Thank you Sandi for the offering of yourself to Him which benefits all of us. Thank you for the transparency of your garden gate you allow us to look through. It leads in instruction and by example. I do declare it is a beautiful garden full of vibrant colors and fragrance only HIS presence can bring.
    Thank You Jesus!!
    Thank you Sandi!

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