HomeProphecyA Door in Space and Time


A Door in Space and Time — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you, Yvonne. It’s time to prepare for hunkering down for a few days, weeks, or months (or, as the Lord leads individuals) in this war that God has already won, His great War of Reversals of the unrighteous dominions of Satan in this world. There is violence to intercede against and an EBS warning to heed before very long. I don’t claim anything about the 5000 hours, but might you reply please about what day of the year you had this dream experience?

  2. Dear Yvonne,

    this dream vision is so very important for me today, – one day away of my 77th birthday tomorrow, 2.22!!
    I feel so so encouraged by the message of coming out of the exile/captivity, together with many others.
    It repeats our calling, that we received through many prophetic words since more than 40 years and whose fullfillment we have been longing for since our youger years!!!

  3. Yesterday morning upon waking up, I heard a song in continuation of a dream with 2 pretty huge eagles (10-fold bigger than ususal) with widespread wings: ES EILT DIE ZEIT, DIE STUNDEN FLIEH’N. It is an old German hymn from 1902, translation: TIME FLIES, THE HOURS FLY. Maybe someone looks out for this beautiful hymn.

  4. this reminds me of the scary movie the langoliers.  besides this movie and befoer your post, the Lord has been impressing on my mind about time and how short it is becoming where eventually it will be swallowed up by eternity.  time is coming so short that even the foolish unbelieving people are testifying the shortness of satans rule.

  5. Today I saw 555 on a car plate traveling in front of me.  This number is very rare to see.  I believe Grace and Favor is on the move.  God’s Glory will be released through the door portal of Heaven.

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