HomeProphecyA Season of Obedience Testing is upon us


A Season of Obedience Testing is upon us — 1 Comment

  1. 1 Timothy 2:1
    Living Translation
    Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.

    2 Thessalonians 2:11 NLT
    So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies.

    Amen, the problem is that how many truly suffer for Christ? How many have come to Christ not just in the Good times, in the bad times but they didn’t turn from him in the suffering.

    The problem is not that roots are not too deep, or that there is no good soil for roots, the issue is that we are entertaining a life with plenty. No matter how humble, how materially poor, a Person is here in America we are living a lifestyle of External fullness, is not as much as to say we don’t hunger for God, but that we have it all.

    In context how many suffer for Christ, in the Middle east, and how many have already being decapitated or truly persecuted for their faith? If we were to say 10 out of 100 are Christ, those people are better off than us here in the States. But why some may ask, and get very offended? Because we are America we are too filled with a Plastic lifestyle, too filled of pollution to even care or hunger for truth, we don’t like to suffer for Christ, not all are like this but it’s mainly true.

    Sure its offensive to some, but what is the Moral of this story? That suffering for Christ produces many righteous fruits, and not only does it produce these fruits in our lives but also unto the Kingdom of God.