HomeProphecyA Tipping Point That Cannot Be Stopped (Updated)


A Tipping Point That Cannot Be Stopped (Updated) — 25 Comments

  1. Dear Sandi, Thank you for your obedience to post this very powerful and encouraging word from the Lord. The Lord is so faithful and is never late. Glory to the Time Keeper!!! I loved these words: Believers will turn their heads and say, “Surely this is a sign that these are the days of Elijah, preparing the way of The LORD.” These are the days when you will see righteousness being restored. Yes, My Chosen Ones have been in preparation to prepare The Way of The LORD. Many blessings to you and family!!!

    • I receive your blessings, dear MF, when I was looking back a few months on some things the Lord gave me, I stopped and read this afresh and I heard the Lord say, ‘Happening now’. His timing is perfect because HE is all knowing and even when we get ‘out of His time: He has a way of ‘reeling us back” to wait until the perfect time. Love your input and points to ponder again and again. Lobe and blessings to you, Sandi

  2. Sandi, I just adore you, I love this post and have listened to the Battle Hymnn 3 times already and it’s only 6am!! :D
    When He called me out He told me it was for the Nation, so as I gave Him my yes and went into the ashes, when I hear the words you’ve posted here I know I can go on. Everything is going to be okay!! This is very Good News Sandi, at least for those who’ve given their yes, and by the Power of His Spirit through them, many more will!!
    God bless you dear beautiful woman of God!!
    Thank you Abba Father!!

    • Dear Cherish. Indeed, it is good you are in the AMEN corner. I truly sense it is happening now: “Perfect Alignment is on the grid. I AM balancing the imbalances of Justice and Freedom. I AM resetting the Clock”…that and so much more that came with the WHirlwind..so shall HE first calm the Storm and the world shall find out what a PERFECT STORM IS. It is Vengence and Redemption time all across the Land. He is gathering His disciples who will not jump out of the boat but those who will ride the waves of freedom and justice for all. Love and blessings, Sandi

  3. Hallelujah! Oh Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    Holy! Holy! Holy!
    HIS truth is marching on!!!
    Oh thine eyes see the Glory of your coming LORD!!!
    Yes LORD! Amen!
    Thank You JESUS!
    Thank You Sandi!

    • Yes, Marc, He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He is indeed moving to carry out His vengeance and redemption at the same time as spoken of in Isaiah 63. You are so welcome. His truth is marching on because He is leading the Way ..that is who HE is: The Way, the Truth and He is breathing new LIFE into what the enemy had destroyed all across the land. Thanks so much for your input. Together we stand, divided we fall! Many blessings to you, Sandi Holman

  4. Hello Christopher, I appreciate so much your input and all that you enlightened us with here. We are truly in a time clashing of swords but I never knew that about Minnesota before and my daughter in law in from Minnesota and lived there her whole life until she married my son. That is all so very amazing. Again thank you and God richly bless you, Sandi Holman

    • That is great Christopher..I love all the hidden meanings that names carry. Timing is so near for fulfillment of so many prophecies. Thanks much for the Link. I will definitely check it out and pray as well. Blessings, Sandi Holman

  5. Praise God Sandy! Yes, I was at a meeting Tuesday morning with Godly girlfriends and we were studying Ezekiel 37 about the dry bones becoming as flesh.  It says son of man these are the whole house of Israel and on down in another verse it says “ I will put my Spirit in you and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land. Now I know that we are spiritual Israel too, but there’s more Jews coming to Jesus right now than I’ve ever seen before!  Glory to God and I too, started singing In the meeting “these are the days of Ezekiel, dry bones becoming as flesh”!  So your word has really spoken to me, as always.  I feel God is about to move in our nation and the earth bring about the mystery of Colossians 1:27, which is Christ in us the hope of Glory!

    • Dear Sheila,
      So good to hear from you..what a great confirmation. I love how the Lord puts it all together. I was thinking about Ezekiel just as I released that word. Love and blessings, Sandi

  6. Good morning Sandi,

    Just this week in asking our Lord where my Nation of Canada is at, I heard the Lord say we were at the tipping point.
    There has been flooding here too in areas. Also rain and lightning and as your know the forest fires. Many do not yet see that the Lord uses these things throughout the Nations. We see it in the OT but many say we are now under the New Covenant so He no longer does this.
    The sin in our land removes Gods hand of protection and opens the door to these things being permitted. Truly these are the days of Elijah. Am believing the Lord to show Himself strong on our behalf as we continue to intercede for the Nations.
    We serve a God who is faithful. Forging ahead with the grace of God. Love and blessings, Patricia

    • Good morning to you Patricia, The nations truly are at the tipping point..each one has various issues that must come into balance. The lightning here has been amazing..and it has been astounding that certain areas in our city have been doubled down on and nearly taken out with the flooding and winds! My chiropractor is in that ‘most hit’ area and he said yesterday that he prayed at the first sign of the wind that it would pass over him and just to the right and behind his place, the houses are nearly devastated. Forward march as we stand faithfully on His word and stay in His presence in intercession and praise. Love to you as you stand in faith, Sandi

      • Sandy, you are a real encouragement for us to press in and forward march. That is a good testimony about your chiropractor. I wanted to let you know that in reposting your word, batten down the hatches I received an email from someone and it really touched her deeply. Praise the Lord!  Please pray I will be the intercessor at all times that the Lord wants me to be. My husband will be 81 this week and life changes somewhat in these older seasons of our life. But God…love and blessings. Patricia

        • Thank you so much for encouraging me! Yes, my chiropractor is an amazing prophetic man as well as a great chiropractor. He popped my hip back in place last week that has been out of socket for a month. I am glad that you got some response from the email and that the many hurting people are rising up. Praise the Lor. I will be praying for you as well. We all need each other. Growing old is not for sissies is what my Momma used to say and I laughed but I truly understand why! It is very challenging! Happy birthday to you hubby. Love and prayers, Sandi

    • Dear Noel Noullet stowell…So good to see the link and loved that great beginning of solid prayer and the ground that Dutch and his prayer team are taking and holding in this hour. It was so refreshing to take in the strategy God has put forth to Dutch as He continues to press on. Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless You. We Win! Sandi Holman

  7. On 3 /3 of 23 the Lord showed me a Clock. There, on the clock was a four instead of a six! I asked him what this meant and he said my timing was off. I wasn’t sure if it meant it’s later or earlier than it should be I still don’t know. showed me a field that had been harvested of hay. He was laying there covered with bright white snow! I have never seen snow on the harvest of hay before in our area I had that vision just a few months ago!

    • Dear RL, Thanks for sharing your confirmation.The clock is indeed ticking and getting our attention to the lateness of the hour for so many things. He is true to His word. Sending grace and peace, Sandi

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