HomeProphecyAmerica: A Vision of Trump and A Burning Bush (Updated)


America: A Vision of Trump and A Burning Bush (Updated) — 35 Comments

  1. The ordination of Aaron.

    Leviticus 8:22 Then he presented the second ram, the ram of ordination, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram. 23 And Moses slaughtered it and took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron’s right ear, and on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.

    Blood was placed on Trump’s right ear. Trump touched the wound, tranfering blood to his right thumb. His shoes were knoked off. I’ll bet that he stepped in some of the blood, transferring it to his right big toe.

    I doubt that he knows that Almighty God , in that moment, ordained him, in accordance with recent prophecies.

  2. “For the power of this Agreement and Unity, will shift The Scaled of Justice in The Courts of Heaven, for the Nation is now at a Divine Tipping Point!”

    Awesome. I love this. Thank you for your powerful message. Praise the Lord.

  3. Ich fühle mich gerade sehr verunsichert, habe aber das Gefühl ich sollte nachfolgendes teilen.
    Der Feind hat übergroße Parabolspiegel aufgestellt mit dem Gottes Überrest geblendet werden soll um die Orientierung zu verlieren. Deshalb meine Bitte, bitte betet das sich diese Spiegel so drehen, dass diese Gottes Licht aufnehmen und als Göttliche Waffe gegen den Feind zum Einsatz kommen. Sodass er mit seinen eigenen Waffen geschlagen wird.
    Ich wünsche Allen Gottes überreichen Segen.

    [ HKP : “I feel very unsettled right now, but I feel I should share the following.
    The enemy has set up oversized parabolic mirrors to blind God’s remnant so that they lose their orientation. Therefore, my request is that you please pray that these mirrors rotate in such a way that they absorb God’s light and are used as a divine weapon against the enemy. So that he is defeated with his own weapons.
    I wish everyone God’s abundant blessings.” ]

  4. Bind us together, Lord
    Bind us together
    With cords that cannot be broken
    Bind us together, Lord
    Bind us together
    Bind us together in Love

    There is only one God,
    There is only one King
    There is only one Body,
    That is why we sing.

    Fit for the glory of God,
    Purchased by His precious Blood
    Born with the right to be free
    Jesus the victory has won.

    We are the family of God
    We are the promise divine
    We are God’s chosen desire
    We are the glorious new wine.

  5. LORD I pray that you Make haste to bring IT to Pass Re: the word given regarding Donald Trump- and being about the Transformation, like you did regarding Saul to Paul’s Conversion for him, and use him as a Deliverer like Moses to help set your people FREE!  Also we pray that ‘Donald Trump would not only have his nature changed, but that the Destiny of Donald Trump that was being revealed in the vision, be that he would be used mightily and strategically by God to bring Freedom and Liberty to a Nation, that was held captive by the powers of the enemy.  We also pray for President Biden, Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, George Soros and so many other souls to be saved and delivered as well, regardless of their ‘Party affiliation. YOU OH LORD- ARE RHE GOD OF ALL FLESH & NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU! LET YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!☝

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