The Righteous Acts of the Saints
How are you responding to the leading of The Holy Spirit? Are you ready to be willing to hear His Voice?
Continue reading →How are you responding to the leading of The Holy Spirit? Are you ready to be willing to hear His Voice?
Continue reading →Sensitivity is more than just responding to hot or cold, breezes, sunshine or rain. It is more than seeing the colors of the rainbow!
Continue reading →I asked The LORD, “LORD, is there anything You want to say?” He said, “I AM with you always. I have never left you!”
Continue reading →If The LORD is telling you to speak forth what He is showing you, and speaking to you, then be bold, be strong, for The LORD your God is with you.
Continue reading →There will be an Outbreak, because of your obedience to The LORD’s Voice. You will begin to recognize events that are unfolding!
Continue reading →There comes a time when you hear The LORD say something to you, and you wonder: “What do I do with this?”
Continue reading →“All the day long I have spread forth My Hands to a disobedient and gainsaying people,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD Who sees and the God Who knows is ready to surround you with songs of deliverance.
Continue reading →God will be helping you realize your victory even in the place of seeming defeat.
Continue reading →What does The LORD want you to see? What does He want you to hear? What does He want you to feel?
Continue reading →How often do we see those expressing themselves by using inappropriate behavior and act as if no one could possibly outdo them?
Continue reading →The LORD really does talk to you. While your mind is off somewhere else, He is talking, He is opening doors, He is pouring out a revelation!
Continue reading →What will The LORD do while you wait? He will be your assurance. He will be your hedge of protection.
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