Deep Calls Unto Deep!
Deep calls unto deep to the Lover of my soul. I cry out to You to come near to be with us, Mighty Redeemer!
You are the only one that can set the captive free to be the creation you called them to be. The enemy can try to hinder the process but even that works together for good.
We need to come to that desperation where only He can satisfy to cast off all the cares of the world, all the distraction, and come face to face with the One who truly loves us, who gave His life for us that we would be one with Him. Cast off the distractions and sit at His feet and wait, embrace Him with Your whole heart, soul, mind and spirit.
Bask in His intimate presence and love and allow Him to wash you, embrace you, and strengthen you. He knows all that you have ever gone through and sees you faithful to be able to carry His glory as a vessel of honor.
Bow down before Him and kiss His feet, wash them with your tears. Give him a sacrifice of praise when you are at your lowest. Dance with him in your heart if you don’t feel the strength to do any more.
He will lift you up. He will take you by your hand and run with you. He will give you the strength to let out a shout of victory. He is your Victor, your Captain and He loves you.
He would never call you to a place you cannot handle. He is with you through the dark night. He shines His light for you to follow.
You are a warrior one who worships Him with all that you have for your whole life is based on that. He didn’t bring you this far to leave you. You are right at the edge of a mighty breakthrough that will affect not only you but also multitudes.
So hold on tight. Give it all you have and push your way through and see what comes forth. He is faithful for no time has been wasted since the time you made Him your all in all.
Rejoice and twirl even like a top for He is so worthy to be praised. When you are going in higher levels in Him many come to snatch you away from pressing in. Burst loose glory to glory.
You are a mighty warrior pulling down strongholds over the land just by humbling yourself and repenting of your ways that are not pleasing to Him. Come under His authority and He makes a great exchange of your life for His life. He is living His life through you, tearing down the walls and healing the heart.
Yes, soon and very soon you will see your king. Many feel discouraged like giving up but all that would do is allow the enemy to win. You are paying a great price to have the crown, to have that pearl, to win that race. It is all for His glory that He called you.
Just remember many are called but only few are chosen to be by His side in a way where you have developed into His bride. To get in His Kingdom you have to go through much tribulation. He is proving you to be worthy to carry His power, to do those signs, wonders and miracles. You need to be trusted with the glory of God.
It is all in renouncing the evil one and announcing Jesus the King of Glory. Climb up upon that big white horse for He wants to ride with you and show you what He is about to do.
Dive deep into His heart. He wants to show you His strategies against the evil one. He wants to give you His marching orders. Yes, this is the time and the hour to arise!
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.