Focus on the Promised Land
“Turn away from the naysayers and the dissenting voices of those who never have anything good to say,” says the LORD.
“Plug your ears to those that are like the ten spies, that only discourage My people and turn them away from trusting Me to fear and doubt and unbelief.
For they only see the giants, the iron chariots, and the walls that are obstacles and impossibilities.
They will never change their minds, for My word of faith is not in them.
They only see through eyes of the flesh, and are never able to have vision that comes through the eyes of My Spirit,” says the LORD.
“Remove yourself from those who cannot believe that I AM a GOD that can do the impossible,” says the LORD.
“For you will become as they are, if you entertain their negative thoughts and fearful mind-sets.
I have given you My Spirit of faith, and you must dwell in My Spirit, and walk in My presence, and believe in Me.
For I AM unlimited in wisdom and knowledge and understanding, and My power is unsurpassed.
I want you to focus on the promised land, the provisions, the milk and honey, and all that I have freely given you.
Rise up and possess your possessions, and conquer the land. For as you dare to believe in Me and My unlimited power, you will see the walls that will come tumbling down, the iron chariots that will melt, and the giants that will flee in terror of you.
For I will give you the land of your inheritance, as you act on your faith in Me, and pursue the vision that I have given you, as you possess the land of your promise, and enforce My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven,” says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.