HomeChristian LivingHe Knoweth the Way That I Take


He Knoweth the Way That I Take — 5 Comments

  1. Sir, You have described my walk for the last five years. I know I must keep my eyes, heart and spirit in tune with the HOLY SPIRIT, yet I have been told by men not to share with them about about the HOLY SPIRIT.
    LORD, i need YOU more!

  2. Dear Robert,

    I appreciate your transparency, humility and obedience to Christ’s leading in sharing this word.  I believe He will finish what He began in us; He will visit us and perform that good word He has spoken to us. It is encouraging to know we are not alone in our struggles.

    God bless you and encourage you as you have encouraged others.

  3. I have told God many times when I’m not able to continue. I tell Him if You give me the strength to continue I will. It doesn’t matter if you cross the finish line on your feet, or if if He’s carrying you. It’s His strength either way. All that’s required is that you be willing. I tell Him “I really want to give up right now”. If you’re not willing, then ask Him to make you willing. I always remind Him that He started it and so it’s His responsibility. He chose me, I didn’t choose Him. It’s His story, not mine. If I fall and disappear, so what? What does it matter to the world ? He has a lot more to lose than I do. And in His Grace and Love He gives us a story.
    We dedicate ourselves to His story and He dedicates Himself to our story.

    Thank you for your posts. They have really encouraged me.

  4. Thank you so much for your words Robert. You always speak straight to my heart. The Lord told me that for the task ahead of us, we must be made completely water and shock proof.
    That the flames can not come where the fire has been.
    Our suffering and training is not only for ourselves and for His Glory, it is also for the people that we will serve.
    Hold on tight sweet brother, I think we are almost there. Much love.

  5. Oh my… YES!!!!!!  Thank you for this absolutely perfectly encouraging and timely word.  I pray your soul-struggles will eventually end and you will find yourself in a place of unbelievably intimate union with the Lord.  I pray the same for myself and anyone else who has read what you wrote and personally knows the struggle you mentioned.  <3