HomeProphecyIf Possible, Even the Elect Would be Deceived


If Possible, Even the Elect Would be Deceived — 15 Comments

  1. I respect the Holy Spirit speaking through you. God’s words are so powerful they cut asunder truth from error. As my grandma used to say “a hit dog yells the loudest. The folks who have the what about, are followers of his and have adopted his warlike unclean spirit and have been deceived by it. Sad but true, you may be the only one to speak clear as crystal truth to them. Keep speaking the truth, and Jesus continue to be with you Man of God

    • Thank you Natalie. Yes truly, there are many supposed “prophets” and teachers out there that are in disagreement with me about the one I speak of here.  I deeply appreciate your words for very few it seems stand with me about this man. But the time will come when their errors will slap them in the face, but it may well be too late for them. God bless you.

      • I read your prophesy “LIES OF THE ENEMY” Nov 26 1998 and could not help smiling.
        “One of the lies is that you must have entertainment in the church. This has caused many to go after the spectacular. The spectacular has to do with a circus-like mentality. Then this becomes something of showmanship”.
        It is such an irony that those followers of the prosperity gospel are the ones who call Trump “God’s Messenger/Trumpet”
        Do they like his self centered ego and pride, his love for money, his cold blooded ruthless way of conducting business, his adulterous relations, his deceitful tongue, his praise for Putin’s “Genius” move into Ukraine when it started, his lockerroom talk with Billy Bush ? If so, they will also take the Mark that he desires them to take, namely Satan’s seal of approval, to be under his control and to think like him and to do like him.
        Trump will tell the people anything they want to hear to be elected as President. He will use the name of Jesus for the wrong reasons.
        Many think that the Prophecies mean that they should rather vote for the “wicked” opposition. God is not Democratic, nor is He Republican. He is the Boss. His Rules are His Rules. The voters should rather pray for a candidate to rise who’s first love is God. Who’s heart is pointed towards God, not towards the world. Through such leaders and pastors will God restore America. For now the voters are in a catch22.
        Warm regards

    • How about focusing on what the Lord is saying in this hour instead of other things that are minor compared to what I am speaking of?

  2. Maybe you should simply pray for the man that obviously the Lord has placed so heavily upon your heart and mind, it could be that your prayers are the turning point that would cause these masses to turn to the voice of the Spirit within Mr. Trump, I mean really, is there anything impossible with God?
    What a drop in the Eternal Ocean this life is, but what an impact He can make if it’s His Clean Living Water.
    God bless you beautiful man. ;)

    • Abba Father, thank You for the Power of Your Grace through the Cross, the most Beautiful Gift You could have given Your Creation.
      Please Lord, like you’ve done for me and for so many, please do for Donald Trump, and through His humbled heart, by the Transforming Power of Your Spirit, turn the masses to the Cross, and through the Cross reconcile him, and all looking to him, back to the heart of their Loving Father and the Kingdom to come. Take what Satan is using to destroy Your children and work it for Good Father, just like You said.
      Thank You Beautiful Redeemer.
      In Jesus Name, Amen

    • Certainly “nothing” is impossible with God “but” the deception runs very deep. If one were to pray for a man of perdition would that help? I think not. Perhaps the “real prayer” should be for those who are continuing in their deception.


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