I’ve Called My Children Unto Maturity – Not Other Frivolous Things!
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” Matthew 6:33.
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our LORD,” Romans 8:38-39.
“Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection (maturity); not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,” Hebrews 6:1.
“For as much as I have come into the world, I came to seek and save the lost. But I’ve also come to bring my children unto maturity.
For many have been wandering to and fro without a shepherd to guide them.
Many are so caught-up in what they think is coming, that they are neglecting the other things that should be important to them.
Many are seeking so hard to find the answers that are perplexing them about when exactly I will be coming back.
I have told you that even the Son does not know that exact time. The angels stand in obedience to Me, for they know that I will cause all things to happen in their proper time.
These are the last days and I have made it quite clear to some of you, that they will have signs in the heavens and in the earth below; but you are not to be seeking those signs.
Instead, you are to be seeking Me first and my kingdom and my righteousness. For all other things are secondary to this.
I have so many other things to say to you, but many of you are still children, grasping at things that you don’t quite understand.
For you are still feeding upon milk. It is high time that you would be going onto the meat of my word.
Put aside the childish things that have encumbered you. All things are lawful, but not everything is expedient.
For I long to have sons and daughters who are willing to press-on to the higher things that I’ve called of them.
What have I said to some of you concerning this?
I have said to forget those things that lie behind for they will only prevent you from moving forward.
Now is the time to seek Me above all else. Now is the time to put aside the frivolous things that many of you have been engaged in.
Don’t just seek prophecies. Don’t just seek the miraculous. Don’t just seek the strange and the unknown.
But rather, seek Me first and My Kingdom and My Righteousness, and then all these things will be yours as well.
There is an entire bandwagon of thought lately where some have jumped unto this wagon.
It is ‘What is the greatest prophecy at this time?”
Then people follow these prophecies, as well as the man or woman who is speaking them. Are those who do this, seeking first my kingdom and my righteousness?
Truly, many of the things that they have spoken are coming, but they have also neglected the better part.
The better part is not speaking of those things that are coming, but it is in knowing Me in all truth — and in knowing Me, having the assurance that I will bring you through all things.
For have I not said that neither death nor life, nor angels or principalities, nor things present or things to come, nor famine or sword, would separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus?
So then, know these things. Settle them as an anchor to your soul.
Then when you hear about catastrophes you will be settled in your heart about them.“
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to the LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?