Kingdom Seasons – Anticipation, Preparation, Acceleration, Celebration
This is a season of ANTICIPATION. Anticipate your coming blessing, for My Power House is within you and I shall move you forward into fulfilling your purpose and destiny.
Another season will soon follow, called PREPARATION.
Prepare your heart this day:
Turn the soil over!
Pull the stones out!
Plant the seeds!
Catch the vision!
Know that this preparation is for the future season that is fast approaching.
Times of ACCELERATION are now upon you, where you gather in your harvest. When you fill the jars with new wine or oil, have as many vessels on hand as possible. You, set the limits on abundance by your expectation in how much Glory will be poured into you.
The last season is one of CELEBRATION.
Lift up your hands and give Me the highest praise. What you have believed in, you have now achieved and the harvest is abundant. Salvations are increasing, miracles and healing testify of My mercy and grace, and provision is overflowing.
I declare that this is a day to celebrate and to give praise, honor and glory corporately. Through the activation of My Living Word, you shall be established with all rights and privileges of Kingdom citizenship, as you serve and honor your King.
~ Doug Patterson
Doug Patterson is a Prophetic Warrior and Seer, often painting the visions given him by the Lord. Doug ministers under an Apostolic Power Mantle resulting in Breakthrough, Healing and Restoration. His Ministry, Power Encounters, equips and activates the saints to greater works in the Kingdom of God. Doug and wife, Linda, are founders of Shekinah Restoration Centre and reside in Canada. (Doug Alexander Patterson 1950-2021)