HomeChristian LivingLost in a Lifeless Desert?


Lost in a Lifeless Desert? — 2 Comments

  1. God bless you Dana! I took my computer screen in my hands and poured out in my spirit language that your breaker would come through. I felt the simultaneous chill and fire of the Holy Spirt also at the same time. I expect a glory testimony for God through you. Hallelujah. I also asked the Holy Spirit to break my generation curses of poverty, infirmity, and pride. All glory to GOD. HALLELUJAH.

  2. Dear Dana,

    Thank you for always bringing hope and being positive.

    Our God is Emmanuel. He is in us. He is with us.

    If God is for us, who can be against us?

    As the Breaker, He comes in might and power, breaking the bars of iron and the gates of bronze, to set His people free.

    As Jehovah Jireh, He provisions us. He does exceedingly abundantly above all we can ever think or imagine.

    Mighty is our God!