Make Decisions — For the Short & Long Term!
Arthur Burt died at age 102 in 2004. He ministered here for many years prior to death, imparting more than any single individual in my life.
He often stated, “God allows in His wisdom what He could have prevented in His power,” meaning, adversity causes our roots to grow deeper and deeper into Him.
All real growth is based upon need; and once we see our need for Him in our circumstances, WE GROW!
Always make decisions MUTUAL to the ‘here-and-now’ and eternity.
Decisions made apart from both will have consequences in one or the other – it isn’t smart!
God’s perfect wisdom always rest in the mutuality of decision making.
The ultimate investment in your future is following God’s way through this life.
Free will and choice is our human capacity; but in His infinite wisdom, He gave us the ultimate teacher – the Holy Spirit.
“Acknowledge Him in all your ways and HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATH.”
It’s all about growth, ours, and our ultimate dependence upon Him.
~ Clay Sikes
Clay Sikes ~ Lighthouse Prophecy.