HomeProphecyNew Power to Break Things Open


New Power to Break Things Open — 4 Comments

  1. Hi I’m a backslide i have difficulty dealing with an abusive childhood from sexual abuse and physical and verbal abuse. I’ve had alot of trials in my life but I’m pretty sure alot was cause.d by my sins.ive asked Lord Jesus to be my Savior and come into my life/ heart and change me .Back in 1985. I want to love and feel being loved but I fail. I dont even know why what I desire most I miss out on. Also I feel God is silent all be it He has saved my physical life NUMEROUS!!! times it is truly miraculous. But why if I’m useless to Him and for Him. Can you PLEASE help me ???? Figure out if I’m truly saved or just on the outside looking in. I’m 59 years old I need to be real or understand where I belong and what if God wants of me if anything. Why does Ge keep saving my life when I’m a mess at living. I’m a loner and have torment off and on with the uncertainty of Gods and my relationship. Please help me if you can and pray for me … Christina…” Thank You”…

  2. God bless you so much, Doug.  Your word speaks to me and is a great blessing.  I have almost fainted at the many losses in my life but your prophetic word gives me great hope and joy.

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