HomeProphecyOut of the Cave of Dismay


Out of the Cave of Dismay — 17 Comments

    • Many thanks to you, DE. HE is perfecting in this late hour! It warms my heart when confirmation comes and He will always confirm what He has spoken. Sending abundant blessings to you, Sandi

  1. Oh Sandy, what a wonderfully encouraging message…I claim every word of it! Pain leave and gain take its place in the mighty name of Jesus! I claim it for our sons and daughters and grands, as our eyes are opened more and more to the love of Jesus and the power and strength, we have through Him, and in our country let your light dispel the darkness and truth destroy deception and turn over the tables of the money changers! It’s what I’ve felt in my spirit to pray, but didn’t have the words for it. Once again, thank you Sandy!

    • Good Afternoon Sheila, And thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know it is the hour for many to come out of the cave to carry His heart! Each one has a role to play in this end time. It is time for our sons and daughters to arise to the lightHall and shine. So pray, pray, pray. God richly bless you, dear one, Sandi

  2. Dopo anni di afflizioni e prove a cui,quasi, ci si abitua è davvero difficile riuscire ad immaginare ciò che il Padre ha preparato per quelli che lo amano. Sento che arriva il grande cambiamento, che la Gloria di Dio sorgerà impetuosa e travolgerà le tenebre che ricoprono il mondo. Vorrei poter credere con tutto il cuore e tutta la mente che sarò parte parte del piano di Dio.
    Grazie,Sandi, per questa meravigliosa visione del futuro. Benedizioni♡

    [ HKP : “After years of afflictions and trials to which one almost becomes accustomed, it is truly difficult to imagine what the Father has prepared for those who love him.  I feel that the great change is coming, that the Glory of God will rise impetuously and overwhelm the darkness that covers the world.  I wish I could believe with all my heart and mind that I will be part of God’s plan.
    Thank you, Sandi, for this wonderful vision of the future.  Blessings♡” ]

    • Dearest Maranatha, You are so very welcome. I am blessed to send encouragement from the Lord. I am so glad that you know that it is His heart to love and bless you. ONLY BELIEVE! I understand the enemy has come to fill hearts with fear and unbelief, to dread the darkness and lose all hope, but I arrest that spirit of deception in your life and command it to leave in Jesus name.  I stop and rebuke and render helpless every spirit of fear and unbelief that continues to harass you and I cast out the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus. I ask the Lord to fill your heart with hope and give you faith that will move mountains so that you can go forth in a miraculous turnaround that will change your heart and others who know you will be affected in Jesus name. I decree that you are in a moment of turnaround from fear to unprecedented faith in Jesus name. Blessings, dear one, take hold of His unchanging hand! Sandi

  3. Hallelujah!
    According to this word be it done unto me Lord!!
    Thank You Jesus!
    Thank you Sandi!
    So exciting!

    • So good to hear, dear Marc. I say YES and AMEN. I say SO BE IT! He is renewing your strength for this hour. He is putting the mantle of Joshua upon your shoulders in this hour. Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” As I heard this scripture, it came to light that God is leading his chosen out of the cave of dismay to carry His heart to the Joshua generation. Love and prayers, my friend, Sandi

  4. Sandi, thank you for the obedience to the Holy Spirit in hearing & releasing this word. It spoke much to me! Also our gratitude is always too for HKP administration for publishing.
    I see in the spirit a mighty sword is in your hand. Then I see you taking down that ‘cyclop’ spirit. I love you sis and friend. Joyce ❤️

    • Dear Joyce, I am always encouraged to dare not disobey the voice of the Father when I read your confirming comment and I too applaud Angus and Jill daily for their huge hearts of love and amazing call to publish and undergird those on this site. Love in all ways, my sister, Sandi

    • Halleluyah dear Wong E Zin. I am over hear rejoicing and singing Halleluyah to the King right along with you, harmonizing in agreement with Emmanuel! Blessings, Sandi

  5. Oh, Sandi,

    how I needed each word and sentence of this prophecy today………!!!!!
    In pain for weeks again, with short interruptions, since years, waiting for the fullfillment of promises, revelation, Deliverance, etc.
    What a godly inspired word. Thank you….

    • Blessings and gratitude to you again, dear Dorothea. I am rejoicing with you and believe God is moving to bring an end to some things and a new beginning as well. Please watch your email, I am going to send you something that I believe will be a blessing and encouragement to your faithful walk with the Lord. Love and prayers, Sandi

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