Pray for Your Unsaved Loved Ones!
Pray For Your Loved Ones Who Need To Know Jesus as LORD and Savior …
Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I myself, have family who do not know the LORD or have turned away from the LORD.
Some, because their hearts were hardened or embittered against God, and some because they have not yet known their first love.
I remember one day at a seminar in which six Christians and I were invited to share our testimonies, each from a different religious background which Jesus had saved us from.
I remember the account of a former Buddhist who loved his family so much, that he was reluctant to follow Christ at first, but he could not resist the grace of the Father and the love of Jesus. So he relented and gave his life to Jesus.
But when he returned home to South Korea, his family were not very happy about his conversion and demanded that he reconvert back to Buddhism.
So this man struggled and wrestled with God. Eventually, he asked God, “LORD, if you wanted me to be a Christian, why did you not choose me to be born into a Christian family? Why did you choose me to be born into a Buddhist family?”
As he was telling his account of his testimony evocatively to the seminar hall of more than a hundred and fifty people, tears welled up in his eyes, and his voice was doleful…. and he began to sob.
The silence of the entire seminar room was almost reverberating as the audience held their breath, some with tears silently rolling down their cheeks, touched by the seemingly hopeless story of the former Buddhist.
“As I asked God this question, I cried and cried because I was afraid that they won’t make it,” He said.
“But then God decided to answer me, and He said, “I chose you because I love you, and I chose your family because I love your family.”
“I finally understood why God chose me and why I was born into my family and not into a Christian family. I understood that God has a plan for me and my family.
“I was moved by the love of God, and I surrendered my love for Christ fully and at a complete abandon.”
He continued, “God loves me and my family so much, that He has chosen me and my family to glorify Him and to be a part of His Kingdom in the time to come.”
Of all the testimonies I heard that day, this testimony touched me the most.
For the first time I understood that the same principle applies to my family as well, that God chose me because God loves me and that God chose my family because loves my family, so much so that He has a plan for us, and the same applies to you and your families.
No matter how far a person looks like they are not going to receive Christ, the power of Jesus love can prevail and will prevail.
After I went back to the city I was living in, I shared the accounts of these testimonies at prayer meetings and friends who came from similar backgrounds as this former Buddhist, now saint.
As I shared to several people, the power of The Holy Spirit began to create an amazing wave of revival. My friends who came from Buddhist, Taoist and Confucius backgrounds went back to their home countries and began to openly share to their Buddhist parents about Jesus and invited them to Church.
In the past, before all of the Holy Spirit’s work in this phenomenon, my friends would go back to their home countries, talk about Jesus to their families and maybe take them to Church, but there was not a change of hearts. Their family members just moved along with life as before.
But, when the Holy Spirit started working in this phenomenon, or awakening, through this person’s testimony that I had brought back, and which they also took back to their families, as they invited their families to Church, the family members went back to Church!
In fact, they went to Church even when their sons and daughters came back to the U.S.A. to finish their studies. Soon, a few family members got baptized.
That is the power of sharing testimonies, with the working of the Holy Spirit.
God has a plan for you and your loved ones!
No matter how far they have gone, or how resistant they are to Jesus, there is hope.
Here are some things that The Holy Spirit has led me to share very recently:
- Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I myself, have family who do not know the LORD or have turned away from the LORD.
Pray for your loved ones, forgive them for anything that they have wronged against you, and repent of anything that you have against them.
(Do not let the enemy have a foothold on you or your loved ones.) - Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I myself, have family who do not know the LORD or have turned away from the LORD.
Honor and love them as best as you can without going against the Word of God. - Intercede for them at the Courts of Heaven, asking for forgiveness on their behalf and stand in the gap.
Although the first two are straightforward and built upon prior knowledge, the third part is a key that I never thought of about before.
I have been praying for my family for more than a decade, because they are my family. I don’t want them to not make it, especially when Jesus loves them so dearly and died for them.
I know many believers struggle with this issue and I just wanted to build my brothers and sisters in Christ who face this same struggle as we are called to build each other in love.
Let us keep praying and interceding until the day the LORD saves our loved ones also.
Your Sister in Christ,
~ Julia A.
Julia A. is a prophetic author, who was saved 2011. She has written six prophetic messages to a church in Kansas and publicly shares on her website, Warrior Princess of God, her testimony about the faithfulness of God in the persecution she has faced. She realizes that God’s call for her is to recognize His heart for the world for the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ. For any questions, please reach Julia at