HomeBiblical TeachingRepentance and The Full Gospel


Repentance and The Full Gospel — 8 Comments

  1. Many went to the Cults and these other things like new age because of the very same thing & Lack of love. Some of them may be suspicious when you start yelling at them like what they saw in the pulpit. Because they also saw abuses of power in the pulpits.  So I appreciate all the ideas expressed because it’s more complicated. Many ministers never got the complete healing and deliverance that they needed and many of them were not taught right in the cemeteries so there’s a lot to be dealt with in the church.
    But I don’t think we need to worry about it too much because God‘s coming with such power that people who are terrible hypocrites will drop dead.  It happened in New Zealand in the 80s were a pastor and his intercessors prayed for a year for the glory to come down and one Sunday it came down and nine people dropped dead. 
    What we need to do is pray for God‘s mercy to touch the people who have not repented because believe me it’s going to be like Ananias and Sapphira we were shown that years ago.
    Just some of my thoughts.

  2. Confrontation is not done these days as it needs to be also another issue.
    In the early days of the church many of the people of course were coming out of pagan/occultic backgrounds just like now & I was told they had multiple deliverers but also they had more of the power of God in the early church. we’re gonna need multiple deliverers/healers like they had. We need apostles & prophets and a whole prophetic army that can lay the enemy waste. But the greatest weapon of all is LOVE Paul said.

    Love he said leads to repentance. It is a loving thing to warn people that they can’t get to heaven by their own efforts but every person is a different And Jesus knows individually everyone so we need to rely on how he wants us to talk to that individual person if we were to do it in a way that’s going to be effective.  Many have rejected the gospel because of the hypocrisy that they’ve seen in the church.

  3. That’s why evangelists do not belong in pulpits all the time as pastors. They belong out on the street doing what they do best.
    I’m not saying you can’t bring them into have an out reach meeting just that if they’re in the pulpit they don’t have the same care for the sheep that is ongoing like a pastor does. Their role is different.
    A Pastor on the other hand, Should be a counselor a healer as well as guiding people in the wisdom of the Word of the Lord. Praying for them in private & in person. You can’t guide a flock if you don’t spend time with God. And that’s vital to all christians.

    The teacher belongs in the pulpit so that he can teach people the difference between right & wrong as it was called on by the priesthood in Israel. Thus people get convicted by the very word of God. The teacher gets into the nitty-gritty in deep wisdom of God & the pastor can translate that often times into practical living that makes sense to people & giving them examples.
    There are crossovers of these giftings where people have more than one thing that they’re good at but the fivefold ministry each of them has different roles to play.

  4. All points made are important by Angus & Jeremiah, and the commentators as well.
    Washing our feet daily is what Jesus showed us all to do. It’s easy to let the busyness of life
    Distract us from basic needs.
    But if Jesus washed the feet of the apostles then its also important for the body of Christ to Pray for one another on those things they see & hear from God about others. Ministers need to be accountable to others in like manner as Jesus demonstrated.
    Jesus came out of the desert saying repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. But when he talked to his own people he spoken parables and stories in different ways, and healed and delivered people to demonstrate the kingdom.

    Today if you say repent to people They don’t know what you’re talking about; they think they’re good enough.
    I love the way Ray Comfort approaches them. https://youtu.be/28Q-VXE3T-A
    There’s no doubt when you approach people in this manner where you’re not making yourself better than them or yelling at them. But defining what sin is, & at the same time sharing the love of Jesus & His grace; I think that’s a precious balance.

  5. The importance of sharing the “disturbing prophetic dream” cannot be over-estimated. 

    It must have been that these ministers were unable to preach repentance, because of a lack of repentance in their own lives. I think that many may be unaware of the presence of unrepented sin in their lives, and that divorce and remarriage may be one such sin that the Lord takes seriously, even though the church may not even want to talk about it.  I wonder if the disobedience of the physical adultery, which this may entail, then makes people susceptible to deception and to spiritual adultery? 

    Also, omitting the preaching of repentance may often be what fills seats, and the filling of seats may then be mistaken as a sign of God’s favour.  The charismatic church tends mistakenly to equate “anointing” with success as the world understands it – with numbers, finance, buildings and personal acclaim. 

    May God have mercy on each of us!  His kindness leads us to repentance.

  6. The message was so on time. Thanks for waving the flag of just what the FATHER’S BUSINESS is. It is all about HIM. As Joyce said, Repentance and the fear of the Lord go hand in hand. So grateful for all you and Jill do to lead the way for HIS KINGDOM!! Sandi

  7. Angus, thank you so much for your Words and those of Jeremiah Johnson.

    It really bears witness with my spirit and what the Lord is speaking to me, also.

    The Repentance message has to be preached and if this dont put the fear of God in us, then we are in trouble!

    God bless you much. I appreciate your and Jills heart and all you do.

    The Lord is raising me up off sick bed, especially this past week! I have certainly missed reading a lot of posts on HKP.

    Love you all.

    • Dear Joyce,
      I hope you are recovered now and can get back to normal.
      Thanks for your confirmation…. and as for me, just doing as The LORD instructed.

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