HomeBiblical TeachingSpecial Miracles


Special Miracles — 4 Comments

  1. May I recieve one of your healing cloth for my marriage and my children and myself(home and pyhsical/mind-temple),I agree and believe.

  2. Ich haette mir gewuenscht, dass eine solche Salbung mein Sohn bekommen haette.
    Leider ist er vor 2 Jahren an einer Multieblen Krebserkrankung verstorben.
    Ich wünsche allen Eltern, die in das Grab ihrer Kinder schauen, Gottes heilende Ströme seiner Liebe.

    [ HKP : “I would have wished for one like that my son would have received anointing.
    Unfortunately he passed away two years ago from multiple cancers.
    I wish all parents who look into the grave of their children God’s healing streams of love.” ]

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