HomeProphecySteadfast, Immovable, Unshakable, Abounding


Steadfast, Immovable, Unshakable, Abounding — 5 Comments

    PR.June.NEVER delivers nor disappoint with these uplifting, “mood changing” messages. THEY are ALWAYS 2 encouraged,awaken one’s weary soul bk to the SAVIOR☝☝☝⌚⏰

  2. I receive these blessed promises as from the Lord and rejoice in them as I step out in faith to receive them.  Thank you, Lord!

  3. I receive this word in Jesus name. My desire is to continue yielding to the will of my father. I long for his refreshments, unlimited favour anointing and breakthrough in Jesus name. God bless you mightly you are such an encouragement

  4. Oh thank you my King! You are our everything, our hope and our life. I have been tempted with doubt and fear which I have to keep battling knowing that my God has never failed me yet. Thank you so much Dr June for the words of faith, hope and inspiration that will encourage me to fight, maintain and hold on to my faith in the Lord. Shalom to you.