HomeProphecyTake Me Into the Holy of Holies


Take Me Into the Holy of Holies — 1 Comment

  1. Outstanding sacred Words from the Holy of Holies ! What a wisdom you do have and share, in combination with Holy Spirit inside of you !
    Sister, thank you very very much for all you did for me and for others. Maybe you heard the rendition of Paul Wilbur ” I enter the Holy of Holies”. I once met him personally, a humbly but strong musician and man of GOD, and I talked to him, together with my son. Today the words AARON and PURE GARMENTS are shining strong… or how can I explain it without sounding silly or naive. I want to confirm what I dared to buy in current Winter sale… a pure white Summer dress, 70 % price reduction, but no reduction in it’s beauty and perfection. I got the impression that I first time will wear it during next Easter = Passahfeast. Sending you sunrays of love and I will listen now to that song THE LORD gave you in the night. It is written about this and sent from the Holy of Holies.