HomeProphecyThe Eagle, the Patriotic Symbol of Your Land, Is Soon to Lose His Plumage!


The Eagle, the Patriotic Symbol of Your Land, Is Soon to Lose His Plumage! — 2 Comments

  1. NOT EVEN the False Church and it’s leadership have wanted to hear REBUKERS; they do NOT want Correction, Reproof, Judging Righteous Judgment or Woe’s or it’s the beginning of sorrows, martyrdom is coming to America get ready for the slaughter house or Jeremiah 31:15 (we’re seeing that played out daily in school shootings).  Been told, no Words of Judgment or negative. They ONLY want feel-ley good words, sugar coated, bless me; worse, it’s even on their Ministry Websites.  I’ve been told God was going to change my message (which god; their god).  NOPE, MY MESSAGE IS NEVER GOING TO CHANGE, IT’S REPENT OR DEATH as a friend called me one day and asked me what message would I give Church Leadership; NO HESITATION=REPENT OR DEATH!  One major ministry (Pastor big name, written books) has called me crazy and a nut while their is no fruit in his Ministry as going after the youth is Cult Mentality and all these people that flock to his Ministry are building his Pyramid Scheme his Business as God doesn’t get any money but the prostituting and the whoring of his name and who he is.  So, many of these young people have wanted to commit suicide, left hating God and spending a lifetime recovering from church/so-called pastoral abuse and read OVER 120 hours of abuses on this regime alone; true stories and causalities are horrific.  Just Google: People’s Negative Feedback, Controversial Articles, Abused by; Scandal on any name of a Pastor and or a Ministry/Church and do the reads.  Do your own research!  It’s been given to many Heads of Church Leadership to deal with; to no avail so does that mean they are ALL part of the Rat Pack! Especially while these dead men are preaching to their dead audiences. Also, this EVIL regime got so many Blogs removed or coerced!

    Recently, someone asked me what I learned in church of ALL my growing up years; sad to say, absolutely nothing but Hymns, usual Bible Stories and TREMENDOUS GUILT, CONDEMNATION, CRITICISM, BELITTLING AND LIES and how NOT to run a church and or behave since we were so a gossip whorehouse.  Had to read the Bible on my own and Derek Prince’s Legalism teaching and Pigs in the Parlor by Hammond’s started waking me up to the Pentecostal Cult was in that was keeping you busy on dead methods and dead programs. Nothing on the Apostolic and Prophetic because “they do not believe in that Doctrine”.  Personally the false church is Psalms 105:15; 1 Chronicles 16:22

    Yes, Church Leadership at large OVER 350 Heads has been given every Bible verse for NOT taking care of the Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, Alien, Stranger, Homeless, Poor and neglect of Mercy and Matthew 25:31-end and True Religion James 1:27!  Look at our Nation; sin, judgment, debauchery, murder, mayhem, drugs, violence, Suicides, worse teaching our children to do that through public education school textbooks, or on # of bizarre shows “electric toilet” and or plug in drug just to be for entertained.  If, the World is corrupt it’s because the Church is: “as the Church goes so goes the World”.  Think Leonard Ravenhill explains it best in Why Revival Tarries, America is To Young to Die; Sodom had No Bible and his 1-27-1991 bringing to attention message; plus our lack of prayerlessness.  The False Church/Leadership has left it up to the remnant to Pray while they were PREYING on the people. Matthew 7:13-14 (spoken of the number of few and the Bible already written)!

    Pretty bad when Battle Hymn by John Scura/Dane Phillips (he has a small list of satanic pastors that totally sold out); The Planned Destruction of America by Dr. James Wardner, Behold a Pale Horse by Wm Cooper, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey, Our Stolen Future by Theo Colburn, Plague by Judy Mikovits/B.H., Dumbing Down Our Kids by Charles Sykes, Dumbing Down Us by John Gatto and Ann Blake Tracy has been heralding for years on her U-Tube Video’s and Prozac book not to mention “Dark Side of A Pill” and the very sad Documentary about So. Central L.A. where the Documentary expressed over 400 churches and yet did exposed horrific murders and where is the Church in all this (People are the church, NOT buildings).  Also: Don’t Call Me Brother by Austin Miles, Losing My Religion by Wm Lobdell, Pagan Christianity (green cover)-Frank Viola, The Fleecing of Christianity by Jackie Alnor, Thieves by Trey Smith, Toxic Faith by S. Arterburn, Ungodly Fear (Article: Exploiting the Need to Belong) by Stephen Parsons; He Came to Set the Captives Free by Dr. Rebecca Brown and this wonderful site and and “Mighty Hand of God Web Site”.  Been praying for Armies of Jehu’s as it was Elijah that slew Jezebel and Armies of Prophets/Apostolic and Intercessors (which the false church and it’s leadership has truly never provided for but they wanted them instead of being the spiritual vampires and spiritual cannibals that they have been).  We didn’t think to look at our demonations (not mis-spelled) who founded them and where they came from and researched where the money went and followed the money trail not to mention ALL the Lies; ’10 Lies the Church Tells Women/Lies Men Believe by J. Lee Grady not to mention UnHoly Anointing by H.A. Lewis” and how many pastors have kept people coming into the kingdom and revealing the Father Heart of God and who he is and has robbed all of us of our gifts and callings never bringing out the best in us or that God truly loved us!  No wonder so many Church Exiters or reading articles on 12 reasons why Millennials aren’t in the church.  David Wilkerson was praying for Armies of “Troublemakers in the Church” 6/2007!

    I asked an Elijah type woman if she had gotten thrown out of a Ministry and I asked why because she prayed for someone without their permission.  So, many Prophetic types said they had to go through “their pastor’s toilet” to be acceptable or pay hundreds of dollars and or thousands.  Notice so many Christians are mentally ill, their Homes are NOT in order at all and the Church has done NOTHING to build strong and healthy families but suck out their brains, time and money=any thoughts. Can you imagine God’s Prophets going through modern babylon fuller cemetery (seminary).  I agree with Leonard Ravenhill on the Prophets one of the best on the subject and then Arthur Katz in Apostolic Foundations, Prophetic Call; Reality the Hope of Glory (written under Aaron Katz) and True Fellowship etc., Husbands/Fathers by Derek Prince was great along with Judging: When, How, Why!  Read your Bibles; WRITE OUT WHAT YOUR PASTOR AND SPEAKER IS SAYING and how much is God, Jesus, Holy Spirit talked about vs. me, myself and I or is he the used car salesman selling his dead religion and begging for money, ALWAYS begging for money to build his narcissism self kingdom.  How healthy are your families?  Everybody get unbrainwashed and think for yourself ALWAYS RESEARCH A MATTER!  What are you learning in your church, truly; really?  Truly believe it’s the Malachi 4:5&6 call.

    Intercessors: Continue to pray that the deep dark and hidden secret things be revealed: Luke 8:17, Luke 12:2-3, Mark 4:22, Amos 3:7; would have to study Jeremiah 13:26 & Nahum 3:5.  Also thinking of Matthew 22:1-15 and Luke 14:16-22!  Created: Report Church Abuse List!

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