HomeChristian LivingThe Epicurean Church, the One World Religions


The Epicurean Church, the One World Religions — 5 Comments

  1. This dream reminds me of Amos 6:3-7, of which I quote just verse 4,
    “You lie on beds adorned with ivory and lounge on your couches.”
    The passage refers to those in Israel living in luxury, oblivious to the disaster of captivity about to befall them.  This stuck in my mind, because I remember Derek Prince saying this was how he saw the Charismatic church – although not all of it.  If he was right, it would then be very easy for many Charismatics, at least, to slide into the full Epicurean Church.  [One thinks of a slippery slope.] The alternative to luxury is hardship.  Paul’s advice seems especially relevant to the warning of this dream:
    “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” [2 Timothy 2:3]
    Perhaps, it would focus our minds more, if we called the Remnant Church the Hardship Church?

  2. Thank you so much for this message Robin! Praise the Lord! For many years my husband and I have been going through these 3 trials and my husband was sure we were doing something wrong. But every time I would seek the Lord, He would reassure me that we were not doing anything wrong, but to continue to wait patiently upon the Lord and in His timing things would change. Amen!

  3. Thank you so much for this word of the Lord. It truly is from God and I agree with it. I have been shown things about what you were talking about also and interceding for the church to wake up and see the deception. I bless you for releasing this with boldness and humbleness!

  4. The Lord has shown me this network as well.  Symbolism like the secret societies use (ie Illuminati)…even in their logo. They make money in exchange for being controlled by the elite who “run the world”.  They will likely be pairing with the Pope who numerous prophets have heard is the false prophet of Revelation. They will “prophesy” things to come that have been planned by the elite (including elections and other political matters) and thus appear to be true prophets.  They will promote the false signs and wonders of the false prophet.  High level of discernment needed in these days!!

  5. Robin amen to the condition of the one worlders. Devil s flowing about churches same he is caseeno s. Thanksgiving to you. Sis sheila