HomeProphecyThe Glory Falling


The Glory Falling — 4 Comments

  1. It surely is coming and soon, alleluia. It makes my spirit so excited, (although when I say is that soon? to the Lord, He says; “Your soon is not my soon.” That has helped me to let go of my expectations and to trust and let God, but to be prepared nevertheless.

  2. Your last line and earnest prayer/please is my earnestly cry…

    Don’t pass us by, don’t pass me by YHWH…

    Feel like a hampster in a ball…
    See it’s close but i canNOT reach the Spiritual…

    Holy YaHWeH help…

  3. I must say- I attended some of the Bay Revival with Evangelist Nathan Morris and boy did it forever change my life. I often say it’s hard to sit in a service with Nathan ministering and then go back to “normal” Sunday Service.
    Don’t get me wrong- I am in an awesome church with an awesome Spirit filled Pastor but there is just something different in a service where Nathan ministers- it takes you both physically and spiritually to a place very few ever experience- but I’ll tell you- once you get a taste of that Glory- that pure holy power- you can’t help but hunger for more.
    I try my hardest if Nathan is within. 200 mile radius of my house- I’m there- if nothing more than to sit and rest in the awesome presence of God Almighty .  Shake the Nations is truly doing that- Shaking the Nations.

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