HomeChristian LivingThe Heart of a Psalmist


The Heart of a Psalmist — 7 Comments

  1. Lord God how I long to be in Your Presence
    Without You I am nothing
    You daily load me with benefits
    Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light
    You are my All in All
    Your name is above all others
    King of kings and Lord of lords
    You are why I live and move and have my being
    I put my trust in You
    Help me hide Your Word in my heart do I don’t sin against You
    Show me Your ways that I may walk with You
    Teach me Your statutes
    You make my heart sing and to overflow
    You are more than enough for me
    Blessed be the name of the Lord

  2. JMS 5
    JUD 1
    NU 19.18
    JB 14
    EZ 36.21-33
    CL 2
    2 TH 1
    IS 30
    MK 6.1-12
    RV 3
    2 CHR 7.14
    PS 51
    AC 3.9-20
    1 CO 1.28
    RO 8

  3. This is wonderful, and so true. The Psalms themselves are the VERY HEART of God’ WORD, and WORSHIP IS the Key of David, and since our Father has led me into WORSHIP in Spirit and in Truth, I have seen a greater light, and known more comfort than at any time ever in my life…thank you for your words and dedication to Christ.

  4. Lord I can turn how many pages reading on You,
    I can pray, worship and dance for You
    I can pray in tongues and sit at Your feet
    Touch Your garment and Your feet
    I can cry my heart out and wet the floor
    Sit in silence waiting ….for You
    LORD I can rise early and walk out with You
    Going to my bedroom when I hear You knock
    And lay at Your feet, hunger and thirsty for You
    But Lord unless YOU come to Me
    Unless You talk to me
    Unless You touch me with Your love,
    Your power
    Meet me and be gracious to me…
    Lord….i will stay unfulfilled, dry, thirsty in a hard place
    Where i will keep searching hoping to have You touch me.
    Lord please COME, enter in, whatever You need to do to get through
    Come and enter in
    Rush in with Your flood
    Gather in by Your cliud
    Come in Your wind and shaking
    Come Lord come in!
    Lord Lord Lord!
    Its only You .. i am after You
    Chase after me, here I am, catch me, here i am
    Overtake and overflood and overwhelm me
    I want You. I want You.
    I want You. Hear my cry. All of me
    That from deep within too
    Crying out to Thee!
    Amen. Amen. Amen.