HomeProphecyThe Lord says: MY Prophetic Intercessors are Arising


The Lord says: MY Prophetic Intercessors are Arising — 4 Comments

  1. Yes…Thank you for being obedient and posting this word….This is definitely confirmation and I along with others needed to hear this.. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

  2. God bless you for allowing God to you! You blessed my spirit today!!!! Please pray for a prayer line a few “new on the scene” prophets have started JUST TWO DAYS AGO, with the first prayer TONIGHT! God has a way of confirming, and to Him be all glory, majesty, and power!
    Even the picture God told us to chose as the cover photo, aligns to the one on this prophecy! God knows all, and sees, all, and I worship HIM for who He is!!!!
    He truly does use the simple things to confound the wise!

    God bless you, and please keep us lifted in prayer!

    A few of us read your post often, so thank you for your dedication to speaking what THUS SAITH THE LORD! LOVE YOU!

    co-laborer… Tiffanie