HomeProphecyThe LORD Show You What Love Is!


The LORD Show You What Love Is! — 6 Comments

  1. Oh Father, i know, i know, You will show me.
    I can’t stop, We traveled so far. And we will finish together, more than ever!

    “For I, The LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13 NKJV)

    Love You. And my trust is on You.
    I will know You in Your Fullness; my full being desire it.

    Thank you.
    I’m blessed by Your Word and care. My Father, The Most High, my Creator; The Only One.

    His blessings for all.
    Shalom, Shalom Peace; His Grace and Peace.

  2. I heard one morning upon weakening, “I have much to tell you.”
    But usually I hear the discussions in hell, and this morning I heard them discussing why this needs to be stopped. I heard “Because then all will know that it’s possible.”
    Satan is afraid right now, because the Lord is about to let loose the plunder stolen from His children….and although we say the words,”exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond,” HE is shouting, “EXCEEDINGLY, UBUNDANTLY, FAR, FAR, FAR ABOVE ALL WE COULD EVER EVEN POSSIBLY ASK OR THINK OR IMAGINE!!!”
    And ALL of Creation will see it.

  3. I passed this on to the person who really needed it , and it was received whole Heartedly.