HomeProphecyThe Time of the King’s Hundredfold Recompense!


The Time of the King’s Hundredfold Recompense! — 3 Comments

  1. Sister, just a quick response. Later today will be more time and space and I will reread it, but I feel, I must reply immediately.
    Last week I was wondering how the number 100 was showing up over and over during one day. I came to the conclusion that 100 means, an old circle has fully come to an end and the NEW has started. I also thought about the Centurion and surely, about 100-fold blessings, too. Now this is a wonderful confirmation and YES, may the 100-fold recompense come to you and to me and to all who had faith and have / had sown in weakness, tears, when there was nothing left of any value or worth in the eyes of this world. You can rely on GOD !

  2. Halleluyah to the Most High, God is good all the time. Thank you sister Deborah for your service to us, you shall be rewarded a hundred fold in this life and in the one to come eternal life.