The True Purpose of Salvation
Understand the true purpose of salvation as being the process of falling in love with God and falling out of love with the world!
Being redeemed from the power of living as a slave to the passions of the natural man who is bound to feed the natural desires and passions for the things of this world in satisfying a nature depraved from the beauty and the influence of the Holy Spirit – who used to run after those things that gratified ‘humanity’ and human nature, and the passions and desires that please the carnal cravings of the human eyes and heart.
Salvation is the ongoing process of the restoration of man from being bound to a lower nature, to be redeemed to be possessed by the Nature, Character and Personality of God and to be restored to living the Life of being elevated above the natural standards and dictates of carnality, and beyond the natural boundaries of this world, by the inheritance of God’s Eternal, Supreme and Supernatural Life (elevated far above the realm of our mere natural existence).
~ Johann van der Hoven
Johann van der Hoven is in South Africa. He has been serving the Lord in ministry since 1991 and has hosted numerous apostolic revival meetings in South Africa and in South America. He also currently pioneers a organic church planting movement across South Africa. For more information about him and his ministry visit or Revival.