HomeProphecyWelcome the Glory!


Welcome the Glory! — 2 Comments

  1. Hi, Chris,

    I never asked for prayer here, but I am suffering badly from High Bloodpressure out of the Blue, after battling it for threeyears in 2020 after wrong medication.
    Since a few days ) suffer from it again, pending between Normal and high! My head hurts badly, my face is red and I cannot find sleep-
    Only one time in past 10 years I saw the Lord intervene through prayer and ask myself why „He passes me by…“ It was my heartcry today………I want to see HIM intervene now in this situation after a victory I gained! We live in Germany.

  2. Oh, how often we have sung this wonderful old Gospelsong and played it like this with our guitars…!!
    May His Fire fall…..

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