What is Education?
I believe that we learn in many different ways.
One may consider that all learning is achieved from the study of different subjects. These studies may involve such things as literature, science, math, and other material, that is deemed as important.
And yet much could be said about the knowledge that one can attain through the interaction with others.
Most of us develop our own viewpoints and opinions from personal experiences and life. And yet it’s very easy to become narrow-minded in our approach if we limit ourselves to just our own viewpoints.
I for one, have been guilty of this many times.
And yet, how can we grow in our understanding of the world around us if we don’t listen to the ideas of others?
To be sure, our own personal ideas and beliefs that concern spiritual matters can and do, become so intrinsically us, and as such, are quite different from other studies.
And yet it is true that one can be a Biblical scholar as well as one who is versed in other spiritual studies.
Not everyone needs to go to college. There are many that have gone on to be electricians, plumbers, and other trades.
In fact, in this day and age, many who have chosen to work in other trades, have become more successful financially than those who have gone onto higher education.
Some have become lifelong students in our colleges and universities. To be sure, some have become scholars and professionals in their own right.
I would imagine that the aspect of numbers and mathematical equations are factual components and as such, cannot be disputed.
Yes, these fields of thought are built upon, just as Copernicus’ theory and truth, has been built upon.
This would be true also, with such scientific terms like gravity, the color spectrum, or the speed of sound or light.
But without the cultures of a society and a region, an entire lifeblood of those people would be lost to time.
The music, art, and books of that people and race, echo the lives that will be told even of us in the years to come.
Perhaps you’ve heard that the human brain may well be the last frontier to understand. And truly, because of its complexity this would seem to be the case.
The series of Star Trek’s introduction was, “To boldly go where no man has gone before…..” — and yet perhaps to boldly go should involve how we also interact with our fellow man.
This should be innately the case as when we communicate with each other.
Jesus said something similar to this in the Sermon on the Mount,
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is The Law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12.
Treating other people as we would want to be treated is what it means to love others as we love ourselves.
Of course, others have varying viewpoints that are different from our own.
This becomes quite obvious especially when we’re dealing with those whose political beliefs differ from our own.
But because we have become so entrenched in our own opinions about this subject, there may well not be any constructive dialogue that we can have with them.
It’s much easier to withdraw to our own garrets and avoid discussions that might become heated and unfruitful. Wisdom would dictate how we should act,
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.” Proverbs 15:1-2.
I for one, tend to avoid such encounters.
So, it seems to me at least, that education involves not just the study of various fields of study but also a better grasp of human interactions.
We should be aspiring to learn more from each other, while at the same time, learning from our own mistakes and shortcomings.
Otherwise, we may well end-up thinking that we are center of our own universe.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen is a full-time Artist of original architectural, landscape, portrait, still-life and spiritual oil paintings, available at StephenHansonArtist.com