HomeProphecyYes Holy Ghost, Send the Rain!


Yes Holy Ghost, Send the Rain! — 12 Comments

  1. Dear Joyce,
    This is a powerful post right from the first sentence. We need more and more boldness to walk in the SPIRIT.
    For the SPIRIT of God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
    And this part you wrote is so important:
    “I want us all to make it through with stamina, and strength as we go across that finish line!”
    In the coming days we are truly gonna need His Strength to make it and not faint and fall away. To keep the faith and His Word tightly in our hearts no matter what we see or come up against.
    If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
    We need more and more of Him indeed!

    • Gabrielle, you are such a blessing to many of us!May we proceed walking the straight and narrow path together. I love you sis. ❤️

  2. Powerful services are fanning the fire in small groups. Thanks for sharing. We are the light in the darkness. Love you my sister! Sandi

  3. Bring it on Holy YHWH, BRING IT ON!!!

    And Ěliyahu said to Aḥaḇ, “Go up, eat and drink, because of the sound of the noise of rain.”
    Melaḵim Aleph (1 Kings) 18:41 TS2009

    Hearing thunder today morning and decree and declare and Prophesy that the Spiritual raindrops hitting our Nation is the Latter Rain, praying that everyone senses will ability beyond our human dimensions will reach into the spiritual realm…

    • Amen to us reaching into the spiritual realm, Lynne. Thank you for your fired up comment. God bless you.

  4. Amen, Jay! We are suppose to be walking in the light as HE is in the light. Thank you and God bless.

  5. Waking every morning and dedicating and determining to walk in the Spirit the whole day giving yourself over to His leading His desire His ways all the day long, praying with knowledge that He does not lead us into temptation but delivers us from all evil, praying that the voice and thought of the flesh become so small and beggarly that you only hear the greater one not the one who is in the world. Knowing You can do all things through Christ (His anointing) Walking and talking and acting like who God made you, this may sound like things that are to high to believe or comprehend until you decide to JUST DO IT THIS IS WHO YOU HAVE BEEN MADE, GOD IS WITH YOU AND HE NEVER LEAVES OR FORSAKES AND NEVER LIES THIS IS YOU THE TRANFORMED NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIAN (Christ likened his perfect resemblance)