Creating, Impacting, Healing, Delivering, Empowering, Helping
“I AM actively involved in the lives and destinies of everyone of My children…. even when you are unaware,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I AM actively involved in the lives and destinies of everyone of My children…. even when you are unaware,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Listen to me, you called, you chosen, you gifted, you appointed folk. God did not give you what you have to leave it crumbled at your feet.
Continue reading →There is so much talk lately about the MARK OF THE BEAST and, no wonder, considering everything that is happening all around us!
Continue reading →Family like a micro-body of Messiah is where love is shown in Word and Deed. Where love is put into action and made real.
Continue reading →I heard, “The Scroll of Warfare” and declare to the enemy, “There is a PERIOD on the end of My Sentences.”
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