You Have Been Called Out from It!
The LORD says, “Break the mold that shaped you according to the patterns of this world.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Break the mold that shaped you according to the patterns of this world.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Only believe, as you speak My Word, and you will see the tide turn in your country!”
Continue reading →A Dream: I’m in a courtroom. There is a man in a suit, in front of the judge’s bench or desk.
Continue reading →There are many who still have not learned the deep and very important truth, we don’t give according to how much we think we don’t have.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “For too long, Beloved, you have seen yourself as an earth dweller. But I see you in the Spirit.”
Continue reading →Over the years, people often ask me how I’m able to understand dreams and interpret their meaning so quickly.
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