What Is a Life and What Is It Worth to You?
The LORD asks, “Of what price would you put upon a human life? Of what price would there be for a child’s life?”
Continue reading →The LORD asks, “Of what price would you put upon a human life? Of what price would there be for a child’s life?”
Continue reading →“I will anoint you with joy as I pour My Oil of Joy all over you and shower you with it as you come into My Presence,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD said to me the enemy is not after what you possess, but he is after your connection with God!
Continue reading →You have to know the difference between those people who are ASSIGNED to you and those people who are ATTACHED to you.
Continue reading →I hear The LORD saying to His Prophetic Army, “Look around you, is there not a cause?”
Continue reading →THE BLOOD blocks away any plaguing problem from destroying children of GOD who put all faith in and use It always.
Continue reading →“Watch! For Evergreen Trees will grow where Thorn-bushes were, and Myrtle Trees will grow where weeds and briers were.”
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