HomeProphecyAmerica! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee! (Update-2)


America! Watch! The Covenant Keeping God Shall Not Abandon Thee! (Update-2) — 33 Comments

  1. It could be God speaking to America to watch (679) Fiji’s country code and 11 on the Eleventh Hour….

  2. Thank you for all the warnings and to pray diligently.  We promise to pray for His ways.  Thank you for this wonderful message.

  3. So I see a lot of commentary in here, however, we should be praying, fasting, and repenting.  I also think there should be some prayer meetings.

  4. Can you assist?  Where is this current info coming from?  Is it your interpretation of the Bible?  I’m a beginner and need help. Thank you.
    I’ve been against these people and their vaccines. I’ve been made out to be a bit and fear monger. I’ve done lots of research and spent much time following it all. Am I really crazy?

    • God created numbers and Satan always has a counterfeit. The most important number 33 in the Bible is when Jesus fulfilled His ministry at the age of 33. He died, conquered death, hell and the grave and rose again. Because of this we can have eternal life.
      Occult number 33 brings death.
      Jesus death, burial and resurrection at age 33 brings ETERNAL life.

      Also the name God (Elohim) is mentioned 33 times in Genesis’ creation story. The creation of life.
      The 33rd time Noah is mentioned in the Bible it was when God promised never to flood the earth again.
      There are numerous references to 33 in the Bible.

      • The Lord has shown me there are numerous false prophets/tares who have been planted by our enemy (as the Word says). They will be used by the elite to “prophesy” things that the elite have planned so they will look like true prophets.  They will endorse the false prophet of Revelation and produce false signs and wonders.  (((I used to follow one of them..they started talking about the Lord turning their chicken into steak and other frivolous signs prior to finally twisting the Word if God to the point where I knew they are false))) Then, as they are tares, they will take the mark of the beast for all to see.  But they were never the Lord’s….remember that Satan comes as an angel of light and so his messengers as messengers of righteousness.  Also remember that “if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived”.

    • This is true..I have seen symbolism in some ministries that I believe are tares.  They are using illuminati (occultic) symbolism.  33 is a very well known number in the occult.  Also…I have always wondered why there is such heavy use of riddles.

  5. GLORY TO HIS NAME! The great reset has become The Great Awakening and God will move in mighty and distinct ways in this time (kairos) of HIS! The nations shall see and the people shall rejoice!

  6. Shirley the winds of the Holy Spirit of righteousness shall prevail and God will hasten his word to prepare it, praise God for his goodness and blessings to his people. Thank you for this timely word , this confirms what I have been hearing that is coming in July and beyond. God bless Veronica.

  7. This is very Good News!! It’s a confirmation from Him to me this Day, and I couldn’t be more grateful, thank You Father and Veronika!!
    I pray today Father for Your continued Strength and Grace to be poured out within the lives of all who’ve given their Yes and Thank You. Let Hope, Encouragement, and Eternal Victory Vision be poured out without limit upon Your Righteous Elect this Day Father. Amen and Amen!!

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